Our new Empire Shot Peening machine!
Cheektowaga, NY – Release: April 20, 2020
Witt Preparations, LLC. have added another piece to their growing amount of machines with the addition of a new Empire Shot Peening machine. Empire’s Shot Peening systems are rugged, reliable, and revolutionary – specifically designed to efficiently blast and provide outstanding performance!

“The start of 2020 has seen its share of ups and downs for many, but we are looking forward to the future due in large part to our recent purchase of an Empire Shot Peening machine! This machine meets AMS-2430 spec and can handle parts up to 30” tall and 24” in diameter. We are extremely pleased to be able to introduce this new machine to our customers.” said Mike Wittman, Witt Preparations Founder and President.
Though shot peening machines share some similarities to conventional blast cabinets, the process is quite different – shot peening is all about controlling the process of blasting. Shot peening is driven, protected, and monitored by audits and specifications. Conformance to such audits and specifications is the only way one can achieve repeatable, accurate, and consistent results. At the core of all blasting processes is the concept of transferring impact energy on to the piece being processed. In shot peening, we monitor and control this impact energy by a variety of factors such as air pressure, media flow rate, and constant media size/shape. With over 25 years of experience, let Witt Preparations handle all of your shot peening needs!
Witt Preparations, LLC. is the leading job shop in the upstate New York area for efficient and affordable surface finishing, shot peening, and vibratory deburring. Founded in 2017, they are a distributor for Empire Air Blast, Hammond Roto Finish, Stoelting Washers, and Gibson Wheel Blast (the top 4 leaders in metal finishing and cleaning equipment) and also maintain a fully-stocked warehouse with blasting abrasive, media, and spare parts. In mid-2019, Witt Preparations moved to its current 6,000 sq. ft. office/shop floor in Cheektowaga, New York.
To learn more about Witt Preparations visit http://www.wittpreparations.com/news
Tags: Empire, Shot Peening Buffalo